Speaker, actor, emcee, author, expert, model, and look-alike. He can provide any kind of Lincoln you want.
Our performers close resemblance to Lincoln and his ability to mix and mingle with crowds will make your function a smashing success. Your guests will come away from the experience feeling that they have actually met Old Abe and get a big kick out of taking the Rail Splitter Challenge provided by him. Long after the activity is over, they will cherish the pictures taken with him and their families and friends.
Other Lincoln activities include:
An Evening with Abe
A dramatic monologue for dinner theater, church, & special functions. Length varies according to your needs. Selected material can be used to augment other speakers and convention activities
A Trip To Gettysburg
A 20-25 minutes you are there dramatic speech by Abe Lincoln. Inspiring and patriotic. Ideal for service clubs or after dinner functions
We Must Think Anew
A 30-45 minutes dramatic speech by Pres. Lincoln revealing his approach to solving problems.
When You Know a Great Person Better, It Makes You Greater
Based on Mr. Brame’s award winning biography, Honestly Abe a Cartoon Biography of Abraham Lincoln. 1999 Benjamin Franklin Biography Award. Visuals used.
Hospitality Mix and Mingle
Get out your cameras: a great time with Old Abe.
Emcee — Special Project
Have Mr. Brame provide something special for any occasion. Limited only by your imagination. Ask and you shall receive.